Monoflap / Close Contact Saddles
Monoflap / Close Contact Saddles
Discipline specific mono flap and close contact saddles engineered for a close feel with your horse and precise communication.
Crafted from premium grade leather, our range of mono flap and close contact leather saddles have been engineered to tailor to every need of the modern rider whatever your discipline. Our range of leather saddles includes the Marseille Monoflap Dressage Saddle, Deauville Monoflap Cross Country Saddle, Chamonix Close Contact Jump Saddle and the Lyon Close Contact Jump Saddle.
In our synthetic range, choose from the Bletchley Mono Flap Dressage Saddle, Bordeaux Mono Flap Cross Country Saddle or the Prideaux Close Contact Jump Saddle for exceptional performance in the show ring and training.
Style with our range of Stirrup Leathers, Stirrups and Leatherwear.